Wednesday, July 11, 2007

After Table Mountain

So you’re wondering on a trip with nine eighth graders, where’s all the drama? It’s coming! And it has nothing to do with the kids and everything to do with me.

So there we were on the top of Table Mountain and now I should note that my stomach has been hurting since I ate lunch. No biggie, but it was annoying. At 4:30 we got in line to head down the funicular to get on the bus and hopefully miss some of the Monday evening traffic back to the hotel. We were not the only people with this idea. The line became quite crowded and now I should note that I sometimes I have problems with crowds. I have been known to faint at concerts or crowded club shows. I started to get that feeling. I let JL and PJ know that I was not feeling completely well. I sat down. They rounded up some water for me. We finally got to the head of the line and JL asked if I would rather wait it out up top until I felt better, but since it was impossible to tell how long that might take, I thought it best just to get to the bottom and get on the bus and get back home. I figured then I would be fine.

So we get on the funicular and JL and another woman M. act as my bodyguards and don’t allow anyone to get too close to me. The floor of the funicular rotates. Pretty cool, except when you’re feeling like you’d rather pass out. On any normal day I love gondolas. And I almost made it to the bottom on this one without mishap. The floor stopped its rotation and by some miracle I ended up next to an open window—through which I then vomited.

To be continued…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I stopped breathing at Sofia's birthday party. I love to have all the attention! It is not embarrassing in the least.